Снимок экрана 2024-05-07 в 10.40.48

HAUSEGGER Siegmund von (H-30)

16/08/1872, Graz, Austria-Hungary Empire – 10/10/1948, Munich, Germany

An Austrian composer and conductor. He was talked of in Austria and Germany in the first years of the 20th century as one of the next great talents after Strauss and Mahler, but despite several successes before the First World War his music was forgotten when his full-blooded post-Wagnerian style went out of fashion. he conductorship of the Kaim Orchestra with Felix Weingartner; Frankfurt (1904-6); Berlin (Blüthner Orchestra, 1910–15); and Hamburg (1910-20). After the First World War he served as conductor of the Scottish Orchestra in Glasgow and Edinburgh before returning to Munich as conductor of the Munich Philharmonic and president of the Munich Academy of Music. In 1920 he succeeded Max von Schillings as president of the Allgemeiner Deutscher Musikverein. Due to disagreement with the policies of Hitler, who came to power in Germany, in 1934, Hausegger resigned as president of the higher music school. In 1938, after the Anschluss of Austria, he resigned and resigned from all other official positions.

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