G-102/1. 60th Anniversary commemorative plaquette (1902)


DEM GROSSEN / SAENGER / DEM UNER- / REICHTEN / MEISTER / SEINER / KUNST [The great singer, the unmatched master of his art]

EUGEN / GURA / BERLIN / 1887 / 1902

Woman with lyra

GEWIDMETМv / SEINEN BE- / WUNDERNDEN / DANKBAREN / HOERERN / AM / IIAPRIL [Dedicated to his admirating thankful hearers on Aprile II]


Names of his admirers

Article: G-102/1
Type: Commemorative plaque
Year: 1902
Country: Germany
Designer: VOGEL August
Metal: Silver
Dimensions: 185 x 96 mm
Weight: 454 g

Reference: Niggl #3016