Снимок экрана 2022-09-24 в 12.42.14


24/01/1705, Andria, Apulia, Italy – 16/09/1782, Bologna, Italy

Celebrated Italian castrato singer of the 18th century and one of the greatest singers in the history of opera. His real name was Carlo Maria Michelangelo Nicola Broschi. Farinelli has been described as having had soprano vocal range and as having sung the highest note customary at the time, C6. Farinelli is widely regarded as the greatest, most accomplished, and most respected opera singer of the "castrato" era, which lasted from the early 1600s into the early 1800s, and while there were a vast number of such singers during this period, originating especially from the Neapolitan School of such composers as Nicola Porpora, Alessandro Scarlatti, and Francesco Durante, only a handful of his rivals could approach his skill as a singer.

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