B-126/6. Commemorative medal "Louis Braile" (w/d)



1809 - 1852

Half-lenght portrait en face

Medalier's name at right above the shoulder: HUMBERTO J.MENDES


Professor e musico frances. / Nasceu normal, cegando aos 3 anos de / idade. Pelas suas proprias dificuldades e de- / pois de varias pesquisas, conseguiu inventar a  / escrita em relevo para cegos, permitindo-lhes o / prazer da leitura pelo processo que ainda actual- / mente se denomia por alfabeto Braile, e aplicou / tambem o mesmo sistema para a musica, sa- / tisfazendo desta maneira as insuficiencias / visuais dos cegos, para a / leitura musical. [Professor and musician French. He was born normal, blinding at the age of 3. Because of his own difficulties and after several researches, he was able to invent relief writing for the blind, allowing them the pleasure of reading by the process that is still today called the Braile Alphabet, and also applied the same system to music, thus satisfying the visual insufficiencies of the blind, for musical reading.]

Article: B-126/6
Type: Commemorative medal
Year: w/d
Country: Portugal
Designer: MENDES Humberto J.
Metal: Bronze
Diameter: 79,0 mm
Edge: plain
Circulation: 750

Est. Value: $20