B-52/13. Bellman's Society commemorative plaque (1940)


Head with vine wreath to the right

tied stripes

SÄLLSKAPET / BELLMANS MINNE [The Society in Bellman's memory)


Till / BELLMANSSÄLLSKAPET / med tack för gott samarbete vid / 200-årsdagens firande den / 4 Februari 1940 av / CARL MICHAEL BELLMANS / födelse [From Bellmans Society with thanks for good cooperation at 200-anniversary celebration on 4 February 1940 of CARL MICHAEL BELLMANS birth


Article: B-52/13
Type: Commemorative plaque
Year: 1940
Country: Sweden
Designer: RITTER Alois
Metal: Silver
Dimensions: 70 x 50 mm
Weight: 81,23 g
Edge: plain

Reference: Nathorst-Boos 1954 #15; Jonshult 11; NUF 59; UUM 200433