B-46/16b. Centennial of Beethoven's birth commemorative medal (1870)


Half-lenght portrait slightly to the left

LUDWIG V.BEETHOVEN - GEB.17 DEC. 1770 + 1827


Sheet of paper with indication of Beethoven's opuses: FIDELIO / SONATEN / QUARTETTEN / SYMPHONIEN / MISSA SOLEM / NIS / LIEDER lies upon laurel twigs. lyra and cornucopia

ZU DEUTSCHLANDS SÄCULARFEIER VON BEETHOVEN'S GEBURTSTAGE 1870 [Germany's secular Festival of Beethoven's Year of birth 1870]

Article: B-46/16b
Type: Commemorative medal
Year: 1870
Country: Germany
Designer: BREHMER Heinrich Friedrich (1815-1889)
Metal: Silver
Diameter: 40,0 mm
Edge: plain

Est. Value: $75